Some you win (with apologies to James)

A happy outcome to the story in my previous post. I saw immediately today that the eggs were gone, and I stood staring for several minutes before I saw anything else.

The eggs were nowhere to be seen, and I stood looking for several minutes before I suddenly saw them.

Can you see them? To enlarge, click once and then click again.

They made not a sound nor a movement, not even a twitch, which is why I couldn’t see them even though I was looking right at them. I had been checking almost daily because the killdeer gestation period is 24 – 28 days and it had been about that long since I’d first spotted the nest. They were still in ovo last Friday, so I had a feeling there might have been a change over the weekend. Mama and Papa both went apenuts when I bent to take the photo. (“Sorreeee”.) All present and accounted for. Each is about the size of a golf ball.

3 Responses to “Some you win (with apologies to James)”

  1. 1 Matt May 26, 2015 at 17:18

    Emilia: “You could name one of them Liam? Or Emma?”

  2. 3 James May 28, 2015 at 10:26

    Apologies? Whatever for?


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The Great Seattle Gargoyle Hunt